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What We Do

Laguna delivers agricultural surface water through approximately fifty miles of canals and a similar mileage of pipelines. We provide surface water to an area of southern Fresno County and Northern Kings County southwest of Kingsburg and south, southeast, and southwest of Riverdale with the southerly boundary generally along the South Fork of the Kings River or the Kings County line, and multiple points of diversion from the Kings River that supply the District conveyance system - Grant Canal, A Ditch, Island Canal, and Summit Lake Ditch. 

Our water supply is derived from the Kings River. The available supply is dependent upon rain and snowfall in the Kings River Watershed of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The water rights of our District are held in trust through the Kings River Water Association.

Due to the limited ability to store water, the Kings River water users depend upon storage in the Sierra Nevada Mountains in the form of snow to capture surface water that then melts in the spring and summer months when water requirements increase. The District is a conjunctive use district, meaning that both surface water and ground water are used within the District.

Historically, in flood years when surface water is abundant, the District takes advantage of that available water and recharges as much as possible in groundwater storage for withdrawal by landowners in subsequent dry years. The District owns and operates seven regulation/ recharge reservoirs where water can be captured and banked as groundwater or temporarily held and reused as surface water. The District has also acquired the land for one more site for a future recharge basin.

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