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Laguna is governed by the Water Code of the State of California; a member of the Kings River Water Association, Kings Basin Water Authority (KBWA), and North Fork Kings Groundwater Sustainability Agency; and a multiple-county District.

Laguna is approximately 53,301 acres and comprised of mostly Agricultural Land producing field and row crops along with a variety of permanent crops with boundaries in both Fresno and Kings Counties (approximately 35,044 acres in Fresno Co. and 18,257 in Kings Co.).

As a governmental subdivision, our District consists of an elected, five member Board of Directors, a General Manager and an Office Manager. Board Members are elected by division and serve four-year staggered terms with three terms set to expire in one year and two set to expire in two off-years. Directors must be registered voters and landowners within the District and residents of the respective divisions that they represent. Three divisions are in Fresno County and two divisions are in Kings County.

Rules & Regulations - Ammended 4/14/2005
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