New Invasive Species in the Area - Nutria - California Department of Fish & Wildlife

Nutria is an invasive and destructive rodent that destroys wetlands and weakens water infrastructure. An adult Nutria body length can get up to 24 inches long and weigh up to 22 pounds.
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife has been given permission by the District to survey, trap and eradicate Nutria on District property and facilities.
CDFW is available to conduct surveys, trap, and eradicate any Nutria. This is a free service.
Please see the CDFW flyers below or visit for more information.
Contact the CDFW at 866-440-9530 or to report any sightings.
Nutria Flyer - CDFWNutria Identification - CDFWNutria Pocket Guide - CDFWNutria Invasive Species Fact Sheet - CDFW